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王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实

作者:中新华媒采编部 时间:2024-02-09阅读数:人阅读

AP times-20240207-13.jpg


2024-02-05 10:52

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图2)

郭磊 摄


Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister of New Zealand,


Mr David Tai, Chairman of the Auckland Chinese Community Centre, and Kai Luey, immediate past Chair,


Hon Priyanca Radhakrishnan, Representative of the New Zealand Labour Party ,


Mayor Wayne Brown


Hon Ministers,

Members of Parliament,


Distinguished guests,


Ladies and gentlemen,

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图3)

郭磊 摄


It is a great pleasure to join you at the opening ceremony of the Chinese New Year Festival and Market Day to celebrate the arrival of the Year of the Dragon. To begin with, I would like to acknowledge the Auckland Chinese Community Centre for organizing this event and the kind invitation to me and my colleagues, including our Consul-Generals in Auckland and Christchurch. Please allow me to take this opportunity to extend my best wishes to all of you, and through you, to the Chinese community and friends from all walks of life in New Zealand. Happy New Year!

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图4)

孙学良 摄

Looking back on the Year of the Rabbit, the Chinese economy has sustained the momentum of recovery. With an annual growth rate of 5.2%, China has continued to provide strong impetus for the world economy. Notably, steady progress has been made in pursuing high-quality development, and growing advanced, smart and green industries are rapidly emerging as new pillars of an increasingly innovation-driven economy. 

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图5)

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图6)


Let me give you some examples of the memorable milestones from 2023:

The C919 large passenger airliner entered commercial service.

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图7)

The Chinese-built large cruise ship completed its trial voyage.

The Shenzhou spaceships are continuing their missions to complete the Tiangong Space Station, the only national Space Station in operation, and open to international cooperation.

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图8)


The deep-sea manned submersible Fendouzhe explored Kermadec Trench near New Zealand, one of the deepest ocean trenches in the world, in collaboration with New Zealand scientists.

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图9)


China has become the biggest auto exporter in the world, driven by New Energy Vehicles, which, together with lithium batteries and photovoltaic products, have powered a new wave in China's rising manufacturing capacity. 

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图10)

On top of our own development, we have held the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, worked to implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, facilitated the settlement of international and regional hotspot issues, and expanded exchanges and cooperation with countries around the world including New Zealand to actively build a community with a shared future for mankind. 

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图11)

温嘉宝 摄

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图12)


As ambassador, I am proud that despite a complex and sometimes even challenging global environment, China-New Zealand relations have continued to evolve and grow. We have maintained close high-level exchanges, during which the two sides released the Joint Statement on the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Despite global economic headwinds, the bilateral economic and trade cooperation has held on, with China continuing as by far the biggest trading partner of New Zealand. As of 1 January 2024, all New Zealand dairy products can now enter China completely duty free, marking the full implementation of our bilateral FTA. This is one of the many examples of how we deliver when we have made a commitment.

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图13)

郭磊 摄

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图14)

People-to-people exchanges have also picked up quickly. In 2023, we restarted New Zealand-China Scientist Exchange Programme. China’s Xuelong-2 Icebreaker Antarctic Research Vessel made several fruitful voyages to New Zealand. Chinese women’s field hockey team, men's football team as well as the main creative team of China’s Wandering Earth II Movie, all paid visits to New Zealand. Last but not least, 2023 also witnessed an increasing return of Chinese tourists and students. 

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图15)

Ladies and gentlemen, 

In the Chinese folklore, the high-flying dragon is a symbol of good fortune, wisdom, strength and above all, great achievements. The arrival of the Year of Dragon, thus, promises a new start and roaring comebacks in our endeavours. 

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图16)


This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. We will steadfastly advance Chinese modernization and promote high-quality development. Meanwhile, we remain committed to deepening connectivity and cooperation with countries around the world to further contribute to shared progress and common prosperity. 

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图17)


2024 also marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of comprehensive strategic partnership between China and New Zealand, which is yet another major milestone in our bilateral relations. China stands ready to work with New Zealand on the basis of mutual respect and mutual benefit, non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, and constructive management, to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in all fields, and to bring our relationship to a new level, to the greater benefit of the two peoples. 

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图18)

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图19)


Close people-to-people relations have been a unique asset of our bilateral relations. People of Chinese descent is one of the largest expat communities in New Zealand. Having contributed to economic and social development as well as ethnic and cultural diversity here, they also serve as an important bridge for China-New Zealand friendship. Here, I wish to acknowledge the central and local governments of New Zealand and people from all walks of life here for their long-term support for the Chinese community, which I hope and trust will continue.

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图20)

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图21)


I am delighted to see the Chinese New Year Festival and Market Day has become a signature event for various communities in New Zealand to celebrate the Chinese New Year, and to pass on warmth and happiness. The Chinese Embassy and Consulates-General in New Zealand have also joined in this year’s event, to ring in the Dragon and above all, to share the joy. 

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图22)

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图23)

To conclude, once again, I wish all of you a happy, healthy and vibrant New Year of the Dragon! May China and New Zealand enjoy peace and prosperity! May our bilateral relationship continue to grow and flourish in the New Year and beyond!

Thank you. 

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图24)

龙年迎“雪龙”,共祝祖国好 ——“雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实


王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图25)


王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图26)


王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图27)


王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图28)




王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图29)

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图30)


王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图31)


王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图32)

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图33)

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图34)


王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图35)


王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图36)


王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图37)

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图38)

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图39)

王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图40)


王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图41)


王小龙大使“新春花市同乐日”开幕式上的致辞 / “雪龙2”号公众开放日纪实(图42)


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